Asheville Food Fan – Best of March, 2020

I began writing this column in the weeks leading up to the City-wide closure of restaurants, and the state-wide stay-at-home order. Obviously, the food scene in Asheville, along with everywhere else in America, came to a screeching halt, and my own life changed tremendously due to the run-away Coronavirus here in the States. So, I’m just now getting around to finishing this post up now, in late May. I will indicate where Thank you for your patience.

Entering Phase Two…

Today Friday, May 22nd, North Carolina enters “Phase Two” of the scheduled “Re-opening” of the State. Phase Two will allow for limited Dine-in service at Restaurants (bars are not included, which is convoluted, since there is no definition of a “bar” in NC, beyond the antiquated “private club” rules, and many restaurants have a bar, and could seat people at the bar, yadda yadda… nothing is easy when there is literally no precedent.) The bottom line is that dine-in service is about to become a thing again. With that in mind…

Drankin’ with Dawn FAQ

At the beginning of the state-wide Stay at Home order here in North Carolina, I began posting a series of pictures, just to amuse and entertain my friends on my personal Facebook page, called “Drankin’ with Dawn.” It was so popular with them, that I decided to share it with the general public, and have been posting them a few times a week during what has become weeks of staying home in Asheville, during the Coronavirus outbreak in America. It ain’t been easy! But cocktails help. Y’all have asked me some questions about Drankin’ with Dawn, so I thought I’d do a little FAQ type-thing for ya!  

Would I Risk My Life for Breakfast?

With less than one week until Phase II would allow them to do so, and despite the grave public safety issues, Rise ‘n’ Shine Cafe chose to open for dine-in service prematurely, and it would appear that public backlash has prompted them to remove their own Facebook page.

This Positive List Includes a Death Toll

I write and post a lot of lists for my friends on my personal Facebook page that the general public never gets to see. I write “Positive Lists,” lists of “Things to Do,” and lists of “Pets I wish I had but Never Will.” Random shit like that. Since there’s a fuck of a lot less food in my life to write about, I’ve decided to start publishing some of those lists here on my blog for everyone to see. I hope you will enjoy them.

Ten Things That Are FUN!

I write and post a lot of lists for my friends on my personal Facebook page that the general public never gets to see. I write “Positive Lists,” lists of “Things to Do,” and lists of “Pets I wish I had but Never Will.” Random shit like that. Since there’s a fuck of a lot less food in my life to write about, I’ve decided to start publishing some of those lists here on my blog for everyone to see. I hope you will enjoy them.

Positive List Chunky Style

I write and post a lot of lists for my friends on my personal Facebook page that the general public never gets to see. I write “Positive Lists,” lists of “Things to Do,” and lists of “Pets I wish I had but Never Will.” Random shit like that. Since there’s a fuck of a lot less food in my life to write about, I’ve decided to start publishing some of those lists here on my blog for everyone to see. I hope you will enjoy them.

Positive List from an Effed-up Earth

I write and post a lot of lists for my friends on my personal Facebook page that the general public never gets to see. I write “Positive Lists,” lists of “Things to Do,” and lists of “Pets I wish I had but Never Will.” Random shit like that. Since there’s a fuck of a lot less food in my life to write about, I’ve decided to start publishing some of those lists here on my blog for everyone to see. I hope you will enjoy them. Here’s one I wrote this morning…